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It’s 2023, a perfect opportunity to get a mini reboot in the middle of winter.

It’s always exciting to reconnect with yourself and reestablish a direction. No need to beat yourself up on last year's thoughts or plans, it's a new year, with new circumstances. Give yourself a fresh start.

When it comes to fitness, the TAB philosophy is to allow every person to find their way to what works best for their bodies and what helps make their bodies feel well, especially as we age. Bodies shift and change, we battle injuries and endure hormonal changes. We are each on our own journey. What might be working for your friend may not work for you. Every body is different and holds different challenges. When working with the body you have been blessed with, the most important thing is to establish a rhythm to your workouts that feels natural and doable. The key to success is routine not a resolution.

Happy New Year everyone!


Let’s kick off the new year right! Classes begin January 10

The 5-week series starts January 10th and 11th (Tuesday and Wednesday evenings) at 7pm! Something to help establish a routine!

Programs to jumpstart that routine!

Wed - Jan 10/11 - 17/18 - 24/25 - 31/Feb 1st - Feb 7/8

Sign up for our
January sessions

Cost for 2 classes twice a week $146.90 ($13.00 per class plus hst)
Cost for 1 class a week $79.10 ($14.00 per class plus hst)

Please note, we've raised the price of classes a bit. Please chat with me if there are issues continuing classes under these circumstances.


Let's get moving together in 2023!
- Rhonda | | 416 888 8004

TAB (The Art of Balance) | Toronto, ON M6S 1Y1
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