Summer time has begun and we are already experiencing the beauty found in warm weather. This is the time where we peel off our layers, and get our much deserved vitamin D. As new blossoms bloom we are finally out of hibernation, and there is that sense of a new normal emerging.
As we get back to socializing and going to live events, our wellness regime can take a bit of a hit. However, opportunities to walk or do other outdoor activities helps to keep your new routine fresh. There is something about the summer that encourages that little bit of extra energy and movement—it feels great!
When the warm days feel a little bit too much, come on inside, turn on your air and join me for class from your homes! The virtual classes are efficient and accessible from anywhere. Whether you are on vacation or at home with the kids the classes will run from June 28th till July 26th
So sign up and continue on your path, or let's get started on your new journey. Explore how much better you can feel with just a couple half hours a week.
Do yourself a favour, remember how important it is to take care of you!
Let’s get it started!
Starting June 28
The 5-week Summer blast Series is starting June 28th and 30th (Tuesday and Thursday evenings) at 7pm! Join us virtually and feel support from other like minded people who are there, just like you, to get it done!
Tues/Thurs - June 28/30 July 5/7 July 12/14 July 19/21 July 26/28
WILD CARD WEDNESDAY will return in the fall!
Cost for 2 classes twice a week $141.25 (12.50 per class plus hst)
Cost for 1 class a week $73.45 ($13.00 per class plus hst)