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Join me, Rhonda, this May for our Summer Slam 5-week session!

Ok, so summer will be here before we know it and that means t-shirts, tank tops and shorts! There is something about summer that brings us all out of our hibernation. Your energy shifts and you feel ready to move outside. We all have been pretty much locked down so before we step out, let's get moving so we're ready for our summer activities. It’s been a little grey lately so I don't know about you, but I am ready for the heat!

I know these fun, fabulous, quick and convenient workouts held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm can only continue to help you feel ready for summer. Classes are only 30 mins, as more and more research supports my theory about accessibility. Shorter time span provides more opportunity to make your physical activity a part of your lifestyle rather than a planned event.

You don't have to meet me anywhere, you just need to log on. We can’t see each other in person, but we can get recharged together! The virtual class is here to stay!

10 classes for $110 (twice weekly)
5 Classes for $60
(once weekly) plus hst

May 18/20, 25/27, June 1/3, 8/10, 15/17

Sign Up Now

$124.30 (10 classes/twice weekly)
$67.80 (5 classes/once weekly)


The kick back and relax of the summer reminds me of family, picnics, and sun on my skin. Vitamin D is important for our health but in the summer, we really do need to take the protective measures to ensure our skin stays healthy. As the sun increases, make sure you find the right SPF for you. If your skin is like mine, it is even more important not to forget to use the sunscreen. Our skin attracts the sun pretty quickly and yes can burn! Also as we begin to roller skate bike, swim and other fun summer activities make sure you and your loved ones go over all the necessary rules to stay safe. May I also remind you of the importance of being vaccinated! The vaccine is the one chance we have to return to somewhat "normal "behaviour. SO remember to get vaccinated, wear your mask and continue all the necessary social distancing protocols. We are almost there people!
Let's get moving together!
– Rhonda | | 416 888 8004

TAB (The Art of Balance) | Toronto, ON M6S 1Y1
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