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We have already had our first blast of summer weather and I think it’s going to be a hot one! After being cooped up in our homes for almost four months we are desperately wanting to get out. This is a good thing!

There has been a little joke happening about "the COVID 19", meaning the pounds we've put on while in isolation! Yes, it is quite possible that we may have put on a few pounds from our homemade breads and cookies. That’s okay, we needed the comfort! But moving forward, we can strive to eat better and to move more by taking advantage of all the wonderful fitness and nutritional information opportunities at our fingertips.

Now that the summer is here, get out there and have fun with your family! Walk, bike, swim if you can, play tennis, golf, rollerblade... just be active. These are activities you can do and keep your social distance. As far as food goes, cut yourself a break and add more healthy choices right now.




Saturdays in July July 4, 11, 18, 25
8:30am. $12/class. eTransfers only.


If you want a wake up call in the morning (and it's safe to do so) then this Physical Distanced class is for you! All July, Ab Rehab will be at Lessard Park.

This core training class gradually lets the body align, turn on and give you energy for the rest of the day.

This class is a 1/2hr drop-in class and will only run if there are enough participants.


Sign up here »

Tab•O•Lean Fridays
ONLINE at 10:30am
Let's JUMP, people!

Fridays, June 19, 26, July 3, 10, 17


TAB.O.LEAN Fridays is your opportunity to do your cardio blast before the weekend cheat! Bring your own trampoline, water and energy!

This includes great cardio work, abdominal work with upper and lower body conditioning!

If you are interested, contact Rhonda as soon as possible.

5 sessions
$56.50 with HST included

Sign up here »

TAB Personal Training

Daytime Personal training spots online are now available. If you've been interested but couldn't get in with Rhonda before, this is a great opportunity!

Half hour time slots are available. They are efficient ,affective and can break up a long day in the office chair

Please book now times fill up quickly!


Join us for another amazing session of Empowerment!

Tuesdays at 7pm
June 16, 23, 30, July 7, and 14th
Claim your TUESDAY spot!

Wednesday at 12pm
June 17th, 24th, July 1,8,and 15th.
Claim your WEDNESDAY spot!

$56.50 HST included

National Fitness Day
Sat. June 6th 9 am
AB REHAB on Facebook Live!

Start your day off right!

Reconnecting with your fellow human

As we begin to see the slow move back to business as usual, the stress of the unknown can start to lift off of our hearts and minds. Stress can bring a lot of physical and mental trouble to the body. We are still not done with this pandemic! The choices made for us have been unprecedented in regards to our livelihoods and social gatherings. One of the unique qualities about being human is our innate desire for socializing and touch. As we begin to venture out again, I encourage you to say 'good morning', and to make eye contact with others. A smile and eye connection can really boost the energy of another person. Almost like a handshake or a hug, it can boost a spirit. Please exercise patience and love towards your fellow man. Some of us were able to function over these past few months with the pandemic as little more than an inconvenience. But, others suffered financial hardship, lost businesses, lost loved ones to the virus or had it themselves. Some of us were alone or in unsafe domestic situations. So be kind as we begin to move forward, recover and rebuild. I hope you all stay safe and well and that I have the opportunity to see you again real soon!

- Rhonda

Why do LegXurious?
This class focusses on creating shapely and more efficient legs. The exercises challenge your sense of balance and bring awareness to the abdominal wall’s role in this stability. All of this in just a half hour!

Lunge with developé
This exercise combines the strengthening of a lunge with the lengthening of a developé. A developé is a developing movement that involves a lengthening of the leg in the air.

Watch this video for an exercise to tone your legs this summer!


Strawberry Mango Popsicles
Cool, Healthy, Fun Treat
Recipe by Rhonda Roberts Smid

1 cup of frozen strawberries
1 cup of frozen mango
1 tsp of lime or lemon juice to taste (provides a little tang)
1/4 cup of water (cuts down on the sugar)
  *If berries are bigger you may need a little more water
Add to a blender and puree until a thick, shake-like consistency has formed. Pour the mix into a popsicle mould. If you do not have a mould you can use an ice cube tray with popsicle sticks.

Let freeze for about an hour and you are good to go.

If you want to be more creative, blend mango and strawberries separately and layer them in your container for a cool, colourful look!

ENJOY | | 416 888 8004

TAB (The Art of Balance) | Toronto, ON M6S 1Y1
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