We often use February to celebrate the people in our lives that we love. We direct our feelings towards our partners, children, friends and family. But can we reroute a little of that love back at ourselves?!
The love for self can be depleted over time, especially if you're juggling roles and find your time is always comprimised by other responsibilities. Let's fill that cup back up!
The winter months can also be brutally cold and tough on our motivation and this can derail our goals. The result can lead to dissatisfaction, decreased confidence and elevated feelings of lack of accomplishment. This can shift your good intentions and take you off track, especially when it comes to lifestyle changes. By February, many of us have lost the verve we had at the beginning of January. So this month, throw a little love your own way!
Find the time to exercise, read, go for stimulating walks in the snow and connect with those who make you feel alive and special! This month choose to stay on track! Your new love for fitness may have been inspired by a winter getaway, but ask yourself, "do I feel better because I am moving more?". The answer is probably YES!
The key to fighting the February blahs is tapping into that childlike spirit inside you. Get your mojo flowing by stimulating your body. MOVE!
We want you to know how much we appreciate the love and support you have shown over the years. You have been the inspiration behind our desire to continue to help serve this community.