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  As flowers begin to blossom and we see the beauty of new life budding all around us, it also is a great time for a personal check up. Take a look at the changes that are happening in your own body as you have committed yourself to a better exercise regime.

Be proud of all the changes you may now notice and secretly do your happy dance! You made this happen through your own dedication to class and proper nutrition. Keep going, stay on track and you will be surprised by the results! But don't get discouraged if change takes time for you. Stay in it. Don't give up because as much as we wish there was a magic pill, there's nothing that can truly replace the work necessary to reach your personal goal. And it is so much sweeter because you know YOU did it through hard work!



This month we feature an exercise that you see and do regularly but may not know why it is so awesome!

The good ol’ walk-out is one of my favourites because of the abundance of benefits you get from this one exercise. The plank is magical. It encourages your transverse abdominus to fire which provides thoracic and pelvic stability.

1. Right from the beginning, as you roll forward in your walk-out, you are already engaging the rectus abdominus in your abdominal wall.
2. As you begin to walk forward, drawing your navel towards your spine, you are encouraging your transverse to fire.
3. On top of all the wonderful abdominal activity that is happening as you are moving forward your rhomboids and lower trapezius muscles activate to draw shoulders down your back.
4. Your lats are encouraged to lift to help your upper body feel lighter, which helps support your body when facing downward (prone).
5. The muscles in your arms fire to help support your upper torso and the muscles in your legs stay active to help you maintain a long line from head to heel.
6. As you walk your hands back toward your feet you use your abdominals again to help you stand up.
7. A lengthening or a stretch is occurring through your hamstrings, on your way back. This exercise can be as basic or as difficult as you want it to be. By layering in weights, moving the feet out and in or knees in and out, you’re including your obliques and lower abdominals as well. This is why I love this exercise—more bang for your buck! The more of your body being used during an exercise the more efficient and affective the exercise will be: postural alignment, strong abs, flexibility and strength... who could ask for anything more?


We have a new website!
When you have a moment click through and give it a read.
Let us know what you think.



AS OUR LIVES get busier and as the spring turns into summer, it becomes that much harder to stay consistently with a plan that will keep you on track with your fitness goals. This is where TAB can come in and help! Consistency is the key to change and I guarantee when you are consistent you will see and feel the improvements in your health.

Here, I have provided the Health Canada Recommendations but just know this is the ideal and not necessarily what is possible. So aim to do your best. Moving our bodies is such a gift, don’t take it for granted.

How much exercise should you get throughout your week?

According to Health Canada, you should aim for:

20-55 years
Accumulate 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity every day, including:
endurance activities 4-7 days per week;
flexibility activities 4-7 days per week; and
resistance (strength) activities 2-4 days per week.

Over age 55
Accumulate 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week, including:
endurance activities 4-7 days per week;
flexibility activities daily; and
strength and balance activities 2-4 days per week.

This month get out and move. Add more cardio activities to your fitness regime and you may notice more of that lean muscle! If you have kids include them in the activity. Their recommendations are:

Ages 5–17
For health promotion, children and youth aged 5-17 years should [must] accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.
Vigorous-intensity activities should be incorporated at least 3 days per week.
Activities that strengthen muscle and bone should be incorporated at least 3 days per week.
More daily physical activity provides additional health benefits. It is not a secret that more and more children are not getting the proper amount of exercise.


Our up coming sessions will be held at, Swansea School of Dance. They're located at 356 Windermere Av, Toronto, ON (Please use the side entrance).

Due to prior commitments and holidays the next workshop will be starting on May 27th

We are offering our Empowerment series. See below.
One 5-week workshop is $100 plus HST

DISCLAIMER: Class acceptance is on a first come first serve basis. All payments for class must be paid prior to class start and there are no refunds. Make up classes can only be offered if space is available in another class.

MONDAY EVENINGS (5 Classes) $100 plus HST
May 27, June 3, 10, 17 and 24

8:30pm @Swansea School of Dance, 356 Windermere Ave.

Feel strong, energized and ready to conquer the world.


Classes may include: Strength!, TABB Special, A2, LegXurious, Body Balance

 | | 416 888 8004

TAB (The Art of Balance) | 274 Jane Street |Toronto, ON M6S 3Z2
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