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Spring has finally sprung and as you probably have noticed you are feeling a little more motivated to do something for yourself. T-shirt weather is coming and as we step out of our winter hibernation we are more willing to get out and move and hopefully move a lot! So, lets get you feeling good by offering some workshops that will help you roll into the summer!

TAB stresses fun as the key to a good fitness program. Good vibes keep you happy, and provide consistency. The Tabbies around you will definitely feed you the motivation to stick to your goals.

Come on out and join us!





Our up coming sessions will be held at, Swansea School of Dance. They're located at 356 Windermere Av, Toronto, ON (Please use the side entrance).

We are offering our Empowerment and Energizer series.
Sign up has begun, don’t think about it just do it!
One 5-week workshop is $100 plus HST

Class acceptance is on a first come first serve basis. All payments for class must be paid prior to class start and there are no refunds. Make up classes can only be offered if space is available in another class.

MONDAY EVENINGS (5 Classes) $100 plus HST
Apr 23, 30, May 7, 14, 28.

8:30pm @Swansea School of Dance, 356 Windermere Ave.

Feel strong, energized and ready to conquer the world.


Strength!, TABB Special, A2, LegXurious, Body Balance


(5 Classes) $100 plus HST
Apr 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23

8:30pm @Swansea School of Dance, 356 Windermere Ave.

Burn calories, give yourself an adrenaline rush and sweat, sweat, sweat!


TAB.O.Lean, JamBalaya, Body Ballicious, TAB.O.Lean With ABS, Road Rage Release

AB REHAB is now available in semi private sessions.
Contact Rhonda
for detailed information.

This half hour class focuses on all areas of the abdominal area
to improve strength, posture and tone.



 | | 416 888 8004

TAB (The Art of Balance) | Toronto, ON M6S 1Y1
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