Barbecues, amusement parks, picnics, the local pub patio and wedding season all have tempting delicious treats that we will indulge in over the summer. And why not! Enjoy a celebration the way that it is intended. Life is too short to not have those little treats; but how you include these treats over the summer is very important.
You want to make sure that you don’t lose everything you have been working towards physically and mentally over the next few months.
This is a reminder, include your new found philosophy to your life.
Yes, I want to have fudge from every amusement park I go to over the summer. But, I also know that once I have a little taste of it that impulse is calmed. If you attempt to avoid that impulse,you will end up eating a bunch of other things you just don't want, right? Eventually you do end up eating the one little thing you really wanted. So now you have eaten a bunch of other things in addition to the one you actually wanted. See where I am going with this?
Just be mindful of the balance and be creative with how to maintain this balance. If you are eating healthy and eating clean most of the time, go for it. It's only a problem when the once in a while becomes all the time.
Summer is the best time to indulge in other nutrient dense treats, local vegetables and fruits are in season, and there are so many great meals to be had in the summer that are lighter and so much more satisfying to eat.
Also remember alcoholic and caffeinated beverages are being poured liberally on that patio in the summer. The caloric intake of some of these can be high and may add extra salt or sugar you just don't need. We rarely think about what we are drinking that may add to weight gain over the summer. So before you order that extra bevy, keep this in mind as well.
Thankfully, being physical is also pretty easy over the summer. Cycling, swimming, hiking, playing in the park. Participating in beach volleyball or soccer with friends are great ways to keep active. Going to outdoor festivals and events will keep you walking everywhere. Such great opportunities to play!
This summer, enjoy the outdoor activities and seasonal treats! If you made the change in your lifestyle before the summer months hit, trust yourself and the new philosophy you have adapted.
Go on out and enjoy your summer! |