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  It's cold out there, and February is a perfect time to surround yourself with the love of family, friends and community. I want you to know how much we appreciate the love and support you have shown over the years. You have been the inspiration behind our desire to continue to help serve this community better.

Regrettably, we have to announce that TAB Fitness will no longer exist at 274 Jane Street.
We will be pivoting to better align with the needs of the people we serve. A plan is in place and we will keep you informed as the days progress.

Classes and Personal
Sessions will continue as normal.

Thank you for your continued belief in our philosophy and methods as we strive to help you commit to having fitness become a part of your lifestyle.

Thank you for your patience.

Love, Rhonda


TAB's AB REHAB, is what ballet is to dance: it's sets the foundation for everything else. It reinforces proper alignment and helps your body move more affectively.

What you learn in Ab Rehab makes all other TAB classes more effective. Knowing where you feel an exercise working is an important gauge of your own personal improvement. Being able to focus and feel the muscle is key to reminding your body how to move. Balance, power, and strength are out of reach without understanding how to manipulate your centre or core.

So, what is 'the core?'
We hear this word being tossed around repeatedly. We're talking about more than just your abdominal wall. This is your powerhouse, the midsection of the body. It includes the abdominal wall, but also the back, hamstrings, quads and glutes. So much strength and power can come from this area. Attach breath, and go even further!

Ab Rehab covers all of these areas but focuses on the abdominal wall. Not just the beauty of the rectus abdominus (six pack), but also the deeper muscles—transverse abdominus, lower abdominals, obliques and pelvic floor.

The deeper muscles are the hardest to 'wake up' without turning on surrounding muscles like the hip flexors and glutes. Ab Rehab teaches you how to find these muscles and rediscover the power in your middle.

Haven't had the opportunity to experience this class? Talk to another Tabbie who's become a believer!

Stream or Download now and SAVE 10%!


A big thank you to everyone who joined us on Friday for Ab Rehab, and to Global's Minna Rhee (@MRheeGlobal). Good to see you again, Minna!

Check the class schedule for the next Ab Rehab class

We will continue to sell cards of 5 and 10, but please note all cards will expire March 31st so please use your passes as they will have no value after that date.

TAB's card system will not exist from April 1st going forward. All classes will become pre-registered workshops.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we move into the future. Please email if you have any questions or concerns.


Starting Feb 16
7:45pm • 4 sessions
(Feb 16, Mar 2, 9, 16)

$70 + HST or 4 stamps on your card

There are no make up classes for this session, and once you have stamped your card classes are not refunded. Only 9 spaces available.

Remember spots are not secure until full payment is made. If you are looking for an invigorating cardio workout that leaves your joints pain free this is for you!

Reserve a spot now

Please note, there are are no make-up classes for this session.
Starting Feb 27
6:45pm • 4 sessions
(Feb 27, Mar 6, 13, 17)

$90 +HST

Come on Mondays at 6:45 pm to help you feel strong and alive during your pregnancy. This gentle conditioning class is a great way to work on postural alignment and give you an opportunity to connect with other pregnant mamas.

Reserve a spot now

Please note, there are are no make-up classes for this session.

Flourless Chocolate Cake
A recipe by Kathy Smart

12 ounces semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, chopped
3/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon fine salt
6 large eggs, room temperature
1 cup coconut sugar or sucanat
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  Confectioners’ sugar and/or cocoa powder for dusting
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Spray a 9 by 2-inch spring form pan or an 8 by 5-inch pan with non-stick spray. Place the chocolate, coconut oil, and salt in a pot and melt on a stove over low heat. Beat the eggs, vanilla, and coconut sugar with a stand or handheld mixer until light and thickened (about 8 to 10 minutes). Gently fold the melted chocolate into the whipped eggs until evenly combined. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out wet but not gooey (about 1 hour and 25 minutes). Remove the cake from the oven and cool on a rack.




Feb 18, 20, 23

Remember, it never hurts to check the header on our homepage or our Twitter before heading down.

Getting Married?
Looking for an amazing, original first dance as a couple? Something that you may not typically see? Well have we got something for you! Let Rhonda choreograph something memorable for you and your guests.
ASK FOR DETAILS | | 416 888 8004

TAB (The Art of Balance) | 274 Jane Street |Toronto, ON M6S 3Z2
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