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It’s been an exciting, news-filled summer here are TAB. Thankfully we are staying here at 274 Jane and we're excited for what the year will bring.

The summertime can be an amazing opportunity for reflection and rejuvenation but most importantly it can give you an opportunity to refocus, grow and become stronger!

When things are not going the way you had planned sometimes an amazing unexpected surprise comes your way. This year I was nominated as someone who demonstrates excellence in health and fitness in Canada and made it into the top three finalists for CanFitPro’s Fitness Professional of the Year! This acknowledgement reaffirmed my purpose to inspire and motivate, one person at a time.

Perseverence is key to acheiving a goal. The road is not always smooth or perfect. Effort fueled by passion and purpose cannot go unnoticed for long. So in case you are feeling like your health goals are not achievable and that you should just throw in the towel, know that anything is possible, including those health goals.

Be inspired by your will to try. Open up and see the ‘can’! Jump in and be forgiving if you fall at first (or again and again).

I have learned that at the most unexpected moments, there are others waiting to support you and are ready to cheer you on. You have all done this for me, Let me be your cheering squad. Thank you! See you soon.



If you’ve never come, or it’s been a while, there’s never been a better time.

If you’re new, try a class for free.

Or regardless of if you’re new or not, pick up a pass this month sans HST*. You’ll thank yourself.

* Unlimited passes excluded



This fall we launch TABtv—our YouTube channel

Our goal with TABtv is to bring you insight and inspiration by discussing trends, current events and ideas. We will present interviews with people with similar life situations to TABBIES who have taken action and hope that these will motivate and enlighten all who watch. Will we be talking to you? :)

Visit Now

This was the most inspiring CanFitPro conference I have ever attended. The top award of Fitness Professional of the Year went to my wonderful new friend, Trina Medves, who has a great business called Fit4Females in Stoney Creek. I would again like to thank everyone who supported me on this road. You keep me going.

But even without the potential for an award, I was able to speak to so many great entrepreneurs, authors and influencers over the course of the week. Come to class and I’ll tell you all about it.

Introducing a new class designed to bring a much needed sense of vitality and agility to your body. Improving flexibility will help you increase range of motion and improve how your body functions everyday.

Catch TAB Flexibility
September 21st & 26th
Check this month's calendar


Like everything else if you don’t use it, you lose it. Flexibility is a gift of the young, so as we mature significant changes happen to our muscle tissue.


1. Age
2. Inactivity
3. Gender
4. Over development due to strength training

As we age our flexibility starts to decline, and experts recommend that a stretching regimen should be performed almost everyday. When we work out, we know it's necessary to do a warm up and a cool down, but when we are not about to perform an activity, how many of us will actually just stretch to feel good?


• Your risk of injury decreases when muscles aren't tight
• Your coordination, muscular balance and postural awareness is better
• Low back pain will decrease
• Realignment reduces effort it takes to maintain good posture
• Stress and tension is reduced


• Watch out when stretching in extreme temperatures (too hot or cold).
• Proper alignment is key for optimal results.
• Warm up slowly with fluid movements before holding positions for a long periods.
• Stretching everyday is a great way to wake up the body and relieve stress.


Sept 14, 21, 28, 5 & 12
10:45am • 5 sessions

$115 + hst

At last, Pramtastic is back underway! This fun class allows mama to exercise with baby in the outdoors. Improve core strength, upper and lower body strength while hanging out with other new moms! This class depends a lot on Mother Nature, so start time may be delayed.

If interested please let us know in advance. Please note there are no make up sessions for this class.

Class will run if there are enough registrations.

Reserve a spot now
Sept 12, 19, 26, 3, 24
6:45pm • 5 sessions

$115 + hst

Come on Mondays at 6:45 pm to help you feel strong and alive during your pregnancy. This gentle conditioning class is a great way to work on postural alignment and give you an opportunity to connect with other pregnant mamas

If interested please let us know in advance. Please note there are no make up sessions for this class.

Class will run if there are enough registrations.

Reserve a spot now
Self Defense
Self Defense workshop
Sunday September 25

$30 +hst

David Lewis from AMA (Academy of Martial Arts) will be conducting a self defence workshop at TAB. This may be the most important class you take! Introduce yourself to simple self defense techniques that will help you if you find yourselves in a position where your safety is at risk.

Space is limited If you have wanted to do this before, now is the time.

Class will run if there are enough registrations.

Please RSVP by Sept. 18th
Reserve a spot now
Tuesdays (in Oct)
Oct 11, 18, 25, and Nov 1
8:45pm. • 4 sessions

$88.50 +hst

If you wanted to take a ballet class, this is the one! We are so pleased to have Deborah Thompson from Barre Nouvelle join us for 4 weeks.

See you there.

If interested please let us know in advance. Please note there are no make up sessions for this class.

Class will run if there are enough registrations.

Reserve a spot now

Deborah Thompson was trained at Canada's National Ballet School. She is a former National Ballet of Canada dancer and veteran fitness instructor. Deborah is also an international trainer of the original Lotte Berk Technique trained under Lotte Berk's daughter, Esther Fairfax.


Colourful Lentil Salad
A recipe by Kathy Smart

1 can of lentils drained
1/4 cup each of chopped celery, green onion, carrot and red pepper
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
Combine in all in a bowl and you're done!
Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Nut Free, Egg Free, Vegetarian, Vegan, High in Fibre, High in Protein, No added refined sugars.


Sep 1 – Sep 8

Remember, it never hurts to check the header on our homepage or our Twitter before heading down.

Getting Married?
Looking for an amazing, original first dance as a couple? Something that you may not typically see? Well have we got something for you! Let Rhonda choreograph something memorable for you and your guests.
ASK FOR DETAILS | | 416 888 8004

TAB (The Art of Balance) | 274 Jane Street |Toronto, ON M6S 3Z2
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